Journal publications related to GPlates
Cannon, J., Lau, E., and Müller, R. D., 2014, Plate tectonic raster reconstruction in GPlates, in: Solid Earth, 5, 741-755, doi:10.5194/se-5-741-2014.
Qin, X., Müller R. D., Cannon, J., Landgrebe, T. C. W., Heine, C., Watson, R. J., and Turner, M. 2012, The GPlates Geological Information Model and Markup Language, in: Geosci. Instrum. Method. Data Syst. Discuss., 2, 365-428, doi:10.5194/gid-2-365-2012.
Williams, S., Müller R.D., Landgrebe, T. C.W., Whittaker, J.M., 2012,
An open-source software environment for visualizing and refining plate tectonic reconstructions using high resolution geological and geophysical data sets, in: GSA Today, 22, no. 4/5, doi: 10.1130/GSATG139A.1.
Boyden, J.A., Müller, R.D., Gurnis, M., Torsvik, T.H., Clark, J.A., Turner, M., Ivey-Law, H., Watson, R.J. and Cannon, J.S., 2011,
Next-generation plate-tectonic reconstructions using GPlates
, in: Geoinformatics: Cyberinfrastructure for the Solid Earth Sciences,
Keller G.R. and Baru, C., eds., Cambridge University Press, in press.
Gurnis, M., Turner, M., Zahirovic, S., DiCaprio, L., Spasojevich, S., Müller, R.D., Boyden, J., Seton, M., Manea, V.C. and Bower, D., 2011,
Plate Reconstructions with Continuously Closing Plates
, in: Computers and Geosciences, in press
John Cannon, Tobias Pfaffelmoser, Sabin Zahirovic, R Dietmar Müller, Maria Seton, 2012,
Visualizing 3D mantle structure from seismic tomography and geodynamic model predictions of the India-Eurasia and East Asia convergence zone
, presented at: AGU annual meeting, San Francisco 2012.
Simon Williams, Robert Musgrave, R. Dietmar Müller, 2012,
Application of open-source software and high-resolution geophysical images to explore the plate tectonic evolution of Australia
, presented at: AGU annual meeting, San Francisco 2012.
Tobias Pfaffelmoser and John Cannon, 2012,
A Custom Implementation for Visualizing Sub-surface 3D Scalar Fields in GPlates
, presented at: 34th IGC meeting, Brisbane 2012.